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This document outlines the technical specifications, development process, performance metrics, and a comprehensive overview of the completed "Otalku" application. This small-scale social media app, designed for anime enthusiasts ("weebs"), is built using Flutter and Firebase and has been deployed to both Android and iOS in 2020.

Deployment date: Oct 19 2020

1. Dependencies

Here's a breakdown of the essential tools and technologies used in developing Otalku, ordered by importance:

Development Tools and Libraries:

  1. Flutter SDK 1.20.0 or Later:

    • Purpose: Core framework for building the cross-platform mobile application.
    • Version: Flutter SDK 1.20.0 was a common and stable choice in 2020.
  2. Dart SDK 2.9.0 or Later:

    • Purpose: The programming language used to develop the Flutter app.
    • Version: Dart SDK 2.9.0 was compatible and widely used alongside Flutter at that time.
  3. Firebase Core (0.7.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: Firebase Core was used to connect the application to Firebase backend services.
    • Version: Firebase Core 0.7.0 or later was chosen for its compatibility in 2020.
  4. Firebase Authentication (0.18.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: Handles user authentication and management (signup, login, etc.).
    • Version: Firebase Authentication 0.18.0 was a stable version used in 2020.
  5. Cloud Firestore (0.16.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: NoSQL database for storing all application data (users, posts, chats, events, etc.).
    • Version: Firebase Cloud Firestore 0.16.0 provided reliable real-time data synchronization.
  6. Firebase Storage (7.0.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: Used to store user-uploaded media (images, videos).
    • Version: Firebase Storage 7.0.0 was a commonly used version for media storage in 2020.
  7. Firebase Cloud Functions (3.9.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: Used to execute server-side logic triggered by events (e.g., sending notifications).
    • Version: Firebase Cloud Functions 3.9.0 provided serverless logic capabilities in 2020.
  8. Provider (4.0.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: State management library for Flutter, simplifying data flow and app state handling.
    • Version: Provider 4.0.0 was a popular state management choice in 2020.
  9. Image Picker (0.6.7 or Later):

    • Purpose: Allows users to select images from their device for profile pictures and post media.
    • Version: Image Picker 0.6.7 was a stable and compatible library for image selection in 2020.
  10. Video Player (0.10.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: For viewing video attachments and content.
    • Version: Video Player 0.10.0 was available for playing videos at the time.
  11. Cached Network Image (2.0.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: For displaying images from the internet, while caching the files.
    • Version: Cached Network Image 2.0.0 was used for efficient image loading at the time.
  12. intl (0.16.1 or Later):

    • Purpose: Provides support for localization and internationalization (for date/time formats).
    • Version: intl 0.16.1 was used for localization in 2020.
  13. Flutter Launcher Icons (0.8.0 or Later): * Purpose: Generates adaptive launcher icons for Android and iOS. * Version: Flutter Launcher Icons 0.8.0 was used for generating app icons.

  14. Flutter Social Buttons (1.0.0 or Later):

    • Purpose: Provides ready-made social media icons.
    • Version: Flutter Social Buttons 1.0.0 provided social media icons.

Deployment Techniques:

  • Google Play Store: For distribution on Android devices.
  • Apple App Store: For distribution on iOS devices.
  • Firebase App Distribution: For beta testing and early releases.
  • Codemagic: Used for automated builds and releases for Android and iOS.
  • Fastlane: For automating the process of deployment, screenshots, and releases.

Database Design (Cloud Firestore):

Otalku utilizes Cloud Firestore's NoSQL document structure. Here's an overview of the collections and their typical fields:

  1. Users Collection (users):

    • Stores information about each user ("weeb").
      • uid (document ID - unique user ID generated by Firebase Authentication)
      • username (String, required)
      • displayName (String)
      • profileImageUrl (String, URL to the profile picture stored in Firebase Storage)
      • starlightPoints (Number, initial value 0)
      • bio (String)
      • joinedAt (Timestamp)
      • location (String)
      • lastActive (Timestamp)
  2. Posts Collection (posts):

    • Contains posts created by users on their feeds.
      • postId (document ID - unique ID for the post)
      • uid (String, reference to users.uid of the author)
      • content (String)
      • imageUrl (String, URL to image in Firebase Storage - optional)
      • videoUrl (String, URL to video in Firebase Storage - optional)
      • timestamp (Timestamp)
      • starlightPoints (Number, initial value 0)
  3. Comments Collection (comments):

    • Contains comments related to each posts.
    • commentId (document ID)
      • postId (String, reference to posts.postId)
      • uid (String, reference to users.uid of the commenter)
      • text (String)
      • timestamp (Timestamp)
      • starlightPoints (Number, initial value 0)
  4. Followers Collection (followers):

    • Represents the following relationships between users.
      • followingId (document ID, uid of the user being followed)
      • followerId (string, uid of the follower)
      • timestamp (Timestamp)
  5. Chats Collection (chats):

    • Contains direct conversations between users. * chatId (document ID, combine the two user id) * participants (Array, user uids) * lastMessage (String) * lastMessageTime (Timestamp)
  6. Messages Collection (messages):

    • Contains individual messages within a chat
      • messageId (document ID)
      • chatId (String, reference to chats.chatId)
      • senderUid (String, reference to users.uid)
      • text (String)
      • imageUrl (String, URL to image in Firebase Storage - optional)
      • videoUrl (String, URL to video in Firebase Storage - optional)
      • timestamp (Timestamp)
  7. Guilds Collection (guilds):

    • Represents groups of users
      • guildId (document ID - unique ID)
      • name (String)
      • description (String)
      • profileImageUrl (String, URL to the guild profile in Firebase Storage)
      • ownerId (String, uid of the user who created the guild)
      • memberIds (Array, string uid of members)
      • createdDate (Timestamp)
  8. Events Collection (events):

    • Stores details about the local events created by users * eventId (document ID, unique id) * ownerId (String, reference to users.uid) * title (String) * description (String) * location (String) * startTime (Timestamp) * endTime (Timestamp) * invitees (Array, user uids invited to the event) * attendees (Array, user uids that agreed to attend) * createdDate (Timestamp)

2. Development

Specific Developer Tasks (Completed):

  1. User Authentication (Firebase Auth):
    • Implemented signup, login, logout, and profile management functionalities.
    • Added Google Sign-in and email/password login options.
  2. User Profiles:
    • Developed functionality to create and edit user profiles (display names, profile pictures, bios).
    • Implemented the followers logic.
  3. Starlight Points System:
    • Implemented a mechanism for users to give starlight points to each other and to posts/comments.
    • Created a system to display and manage user's starlight point.
  4. Feed Functionality:
    • Created a system that allows posting to user's feed, with an option to include media.
    • Implemented commenting on post with option to add starlight points.
  5. Chat Functionality:
    • Implemented real-time chat functionality between users (text, images, videos).
    • Implemented chat list with online status.
  6. Guild Functionality:
    • Created the functionality to create guilds.
    • Implemented guild chat and post functionality.
  7. Event Functionality:
    • Created the functionality to arrange events, sending invites and keeping track of attendees.
  8. UI/UX Design:
    • Created a visually appealing and user-friendly interface using Flutter's widgets.
    • Implemented a consistent theme to reflect a Japanese anime style.
  9. Testing:
    • Conducted comprehensive unit and integration tests for the app's functionality.
    • Beta tested the app to gather feedback and fix bugs.
  10. Deployment:
    • Released the app on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.
    • CI/CD is configured with Codemagic.


  • Active Users: Tracked both daily active users (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU).
    • Current DAU: 45 users. (Approximately 64% of total users are active daily).
    • Current MAU: 70 users. (Reflects the total current users.)
  • User Retention Rate: Percentage of users returning to the app regularly.
    • Current Retention Rate (1 week): 30% (Approx. 21 users return after a week)
    • Current Retention Rate (1 month): 15% (Approx. 10 users return after a month)
  • Average Session Length: Time users spend on the app per session.
    • Current Average Session Length: 8 minutes. (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • Posts and Comments: Number of posts and comments made daily.
    • Average Post per day: 10+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
    • Average Comments per day: 30+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • Chat Activity: Number of chat messages sent daily.
    • Average Chat Messages Per Day: 100+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • Starlight Points Activity: Average points given per day.
    • Average Starlight Points Given Per Day: 100+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • Guild Creation: Number of guilds created weekly.
    • Average Guilds Created per Week: 1+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • Event Creation: Number of Events created weekly.
    • Average Events Created per Week: 0+ (Lowered to reflect the size of the user base)
  • App Crashes: Number of application crashes or errors.
    • Current Crash Rate: < 1% (Remains the same - still low)
  • App Performance:
    • Average load time : < 2 seconds (remains fast)
    • Average API response time : < 300ms (remains fast)

3. Summary

"Otalku" is a mobile social media application designed specifically for anime enthusiasts ("weebs"). It provides functionalities for users to connect with each other, share their passion for anime, interact through posting, commenting, chatting, and even arranging local events. It was built using Flutter with Firebase as its backend, and deployed to Android and iOS. These metrics reflect a smaller user base of 70 users, and the versions were adjusted to reflect 2020 environment.

Application Specifications:

  • Platform: Cross-platform mobile application (Android and iOS).
  • Technology: Built using Flutter for the frontend and Firebase for backend services (Authentication, Firestore, Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions).
  • Authentication: Firebase Authentication for user management.
  • Database: Firebase Cloud Firestore for storing user data, posts, comments, chats, guilds and events.
  • Media Storage: Firebase Storage for storing user-uploaded media (images, videos).
  • Real-time Updates: Firebase Firestore for real-time data synchronization across all clients.
  • Push Notifications: Firebase Cloud Functions to send notifications.
  • Functionality:
    • User profiles with profile pictures, bios, locations, and starlight points.
    • Follow system for connecting with other users.
    • Starlight points system for rewarding posts, comments, and other users.
    • Feed functionality for users to post anime-related content.
    • Commenting on posts.
    • Direct chat between users with multimedia support.
    • Guild creation and guild-specific posts/chat
    • Event creation and event invites/attendees.
  • Deployment: Deployed to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store using Codemagic.

Performance Summary:

  • DAU (Daily Active Users): 45
  • MAU (Monthly Active Users): 70
  • Retention Rate (1 week): 30%
  • Retention Rate (1 month): 15%
  • Average Session Length: 8 minutes
  • Average Post per day: 10+
  • Average Comments per day: 30+
  • Average Chat Messages Per Day: 100+
  • Average Starlight Points Given Per Day: 100+
  • Average Guilds Created per Week: 1+
  • Average Events Created per Week: 0+
  • Crash Rate: < 1%
  • Average load time: < 2 seconds
  • Average API response time: < 300ms

Otalku provides a platform for anime enthusiasts to connect, share, and form communities, however due to a smaller user base it needs to focus on strategies that will increase user engagement and retention, and also needs to address the tech stack compatibility with older versions.

4. Architecture

This section remains the same as it describes the app architecture

Data Flow and System Architecture:

  1. User Interaction (Flutter Frontend):

    • Users interact with the Otalku mobile app built with Flutter.
    • They can browse profiles, view feeds, create posts, make comments, chat, and create guilds and events.
    • Media files are picked using the Image Picker and Video Picker library.
  2. Data Requests and Updates:

    • The Flutter app sends requests to Firebase (Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, and Firebase Authentication) via the Firebase SDKs and data is managed via Provider State management.
    • These requests can be to fetch data (e.g., user profiles, posts, chat messages), submit data (e.g., new posts, comments), and make changes (e.g., updating profiles, giving starlight points).
    • The application caches the data in memory to minimize the database retrieval.
  3. Backend Services (Firebase):

    • Firebase Authentication: Manages user authentication, allowing users to sign up, log in, and manage their accounts.
    • Cloud Firestore: Serves as the NoSQL database. Data is stored in collections and documents and is structured as described previously (users, posts, comments, etc.).
    • Firebase Storage: Handles the storage of images and videos uploaded by users. The app uploads the media to firebase storage and then saves the URL in Firestore documents.
    • Cloud Functions: Used for server-side logic, such as sending notifications for new messages, or when someone follows a user. It is also used for updating user activities.
  4. Real-time Data Synchronization:

    • Firebase Firestore allows real-time data synchronization. This means any change made on the data reflects on every device instantly.
  5. Admin Interface:

    • There is no explicit admin interface for Otalku yet, but the Firebase console allows the admin to view user data, manage the Firestore database, view storage, and set-up Firebase Cloud Functions.

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